💻 slembcke.net

My Projects

🚧 Still working on this page. A lot of the links haven't been filled in yet. 🏗️
🦺 People don't still use "under construction" gifs, but emojis are cool right? ⛏️

📚 Libraries:

🛠️ Chipmunk2D
2D rigid body physics engine written in C99.
🛠️ debugger.lua
A simple, embedabble debugger for Lua.
🛠️ Tina
Tina is a teeny tiny, header only, fiber and coroutine library!
🛠️ LiFFT
The little FFT and DCT library.
🛠️ Pixler
A C library for making NES games with cc65.
🛠️ Cocos2D-SpriteBuilder
The evolution of Cocos2D-iPhone that I worked on for a few years.
🛠️ Squirrel Physics Kit
An old physics library I made based on the paper Advanced Character Physics by Thomas Jakobsen.

🎮 Game Projects:

🛠️ Veridian Expanse
This is the game I've always wanted to make! A twin stick shooter/metroidvania sort of game. "Explore the depths as you drill, craft, and fight to escape from a mysterious asteroid deep in the Veridian Expanse. (202?)
🛠️ Verdant Skies
This was mostly a creation of my business partner and his wife. Though I did a bunch of shader work on it, and took other paid contracts to fund it during it's development. (2018)
🛠️ Your Story
Collaborative project with Max Williams for uDevGames 2011. A Chipmunk2D based platformer where I got to try out some fun physics platformer implementation ideas. :) (2011)
🛠️ Twilight Golf
An iPhone physics puzzler game with fast dynamic 2D shadows. (2009)
🛠️ Crayon Ball
The first game we made when we started Howling Moon Software. Now available via Flathub. (2007)
🛠️ Smile Delivery
A one button platformer. Written for an informal 24 hour game contest.
🛠️ Antimater
A 2D puzzle/action game similar to Super Transball. Created for the iDevGames Original Mac Games contest. (2005)
🛠️ The X-Fish
My entry for the iDevGames 21 Days Later: Predator contest. (2005)

💼 Contract Projects:

🛠️ The Sanctuary
VR mental healthcare experiences to supplement depression and substance use disorder treatments. (2024)
🛠️ Treasure Stack
A multi-player block puzzle platformer. We worked on the networking and the Steam + XBox One integration. (2019)
🛠️ Cube Creator 3D
A contract we worked on with Big John Games to help finish the multiplayer update. (2018)
🛠️ Rapala Pro Fishing
A budget fishing title for PS4, XBox One, and Switch. I mostly did graphics and PS4 development. (2017)
🛠️ Real Time Drone Mapping
I worked on rendering real-time photo mosaics and map rendering for a local drone company. (2016)
🛠️ Fish Hooks
Another Big-D project for a show that seems to have faded into time. It was an Incredible Machine-like game that was all the rage on mobile at the time. (2012)
🛠️ Phineas and Ferb - The Dimension of Doom!
They also liked us enough to hire us again. (2011)
🛠️ Phineas and Ferb in the Transportinators of DOOOOOOM!
A game we worked on for Disney. It was pretty fun to work on, and I got to implement portals. :D (2010)
🛠️ Robot Rampage 2
They liked us enough they hired us again! (2010)
🛠️ Robot Rampage
The first Unity3D game we worked on. A simple arena shooter game made for Warner Brothers. (2009)

🎓 Old College Projects:

🛠️ Realtime Rigid Body Simulation Using Impulses
My senior seminar paper, written based on a very early implementation of Chipmunk2D. (2007)
🛠️ XPTracker
Final group project for my software engineering course. (2007)
🛠️ Optimization of Java Generic Types
Researching possible optimizations of Java programs. (2006)
🛠️ Lossy Image Bisection
Final project for my data compression class. (2006)
🛠️ Atrium Modeling Project
Class project for a computer graphics course I took. Our task was to model the atrium in the science building of our university. (2005)
🛠️ JCool Text Editor
Final group project for my software design course. (2004)

🍉 Random Projects:

🛠️ Hairplane
A very Hair-o-dynamic RC airplane.
🛠️ Frankenstein
My old iBook cobbled together from parts. (2007)
🛠️ Upshot
Simple screenshot sharing utility we made as Howling Moon Software. (2009)
🛠️ Gimp-Ruby
A Ruby language binding for the GIMP. Started for the Google Summer of Code 2006 program. (2006)